
As the great Kurt Cobain once said, "Come as you are." BMG is committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all employees. We value diversity in all forms. Equal opportunity is deeply rooted in our core value of fairness, and we are committed to creating a truly inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive. If you're good at what you do, come as you are! Whether you're an experienced professional or just starting out, we welcome you to join our team. All applicants to BMG are treated equally - regardless of age, disability, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy or parenthood, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, religion or belief.

BMG (Bertelsmann Music Group) is a global music company dedicated to empowering artists and driving the future of music. With a rich history spanning several decades, BMG has established itself as a leading player in the music industry, representing a diverse range of talent across genres.

Our Vision

At BMG, our vision is to create a sustainable and artist-friendly music ecosystem that fosters creativity, innovation, and success. We believe in the power of music to connect people, inspire change, and shape culture. With this vision in mind, we strive to be at the forefront of the evolving music landscape, adapting to new technologies, and embracing new opportunities to deliver exceptional music experiences.

Our Artists and Repertoire

BMG prides itself on its exceptional roster of talented artists. We work closely with musicians, songwriters, and producers from around the world to support their creative endeavors and help them realize their artistic visions. Our team of experienced A&R professionals provides guidance and expertise in nurturing artists' careers, from developing their sound to connecting them with global audiences.

Music Publishing and Recording

As a full-service music company, BMG offers comprehensive publishing and recording services to its artists. Our publishing division ensures that songwriters receive fair compensation for their creations, while our recording division handles all aspects of the recording process, from production to distribution. We leverage our global network of partners and platforms to maximize the reach and impact of our artists' music, enabling them to thrive in today's digital age.

Innovation and Technology

BMG embraces innovation and technology as catalysts for growth and creativity. We leverage cutting-edge tools and platforms to optimize music discovery, distribution, and fan engagement. Through strategic partnerships and investments in digital infrastructure, we strive to provide our artists with the best resources and opportunities to succeed in an ever-changing industry.

Community and Social Responsibility

At BMG, we recognize the importance of giving back to the community and promoting social responsibility. We actively support charitable initiatives and advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion within the music industry. Through our partnerships with various organizations, we aim to create positive change and amplify underrepresented voices in the world of music. Visit our website at to learn more about our artists, services, and the impact we're making in the music industry. Let's make music together!

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